Welcome to ALSO-CLASS:

What is also-class?
Also-class is an open and voluntary class, started in 2015 .
The class has an open and informal structure where anyone is free to contribute. We aim to be practical as well as theoretical. Readings, presentations, walks, diners, workshops and small talk are key. 
At this moment the classes are mainly taking place at the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam on a weekly basis. Guest talks happened a.o. at art academies in the Netherlands, at cultural platforms such as huis van de wijk ‘de dam’, framer framed, kunsthalle langenhagen, Sonsbeek16 and in Jakarta (In 2015 four students of the autonomous practice participated in the students biennial ‘Jakarta 32c’).
Information on activities will be shared via https://pad.riseup.net/p/also-class,
(general information can be found here)

Coming period (September-december 2018) we will use ‘food’ as a starting point to derive readings, talks, visits, workshops.
The Also-Class will also coincide with the reading group ‘Black readings’ organised monthly by Teana Boston-Mammah at the same time, same location.

Also-class is derived from the book ‘Also Space: From Hot To Something Else’ (focusing on Indonesian art practices) and SONSBEEK’16 (curated by ruangrupa).

see text that we read:

Also-Space book chapter 3: here & appendix
share links (txt, pics, etc):
fritz Haeg: the new american dream


- mapping Rotterdam

- on health

- on jobs

- how to organise, how to collaborate

- on education: teaching and learning = feed the brain, the stomach and the soul.

- 'domestic notes', by Nuraini Juliastuti
(writes about: The first volume of the zine comprises of Nuraini Juliastuti’s notes on food, travels and home. )

- 'The new american dream', Fritz Haeg:
an activating pamphlet, to work together
more info on Fritz Haeg: http://www.fritzhaeg.com/wikidiary/

- Quadra Medicinale, Kempens Informatieblad,Jef Geys:
A journal can be regarded as a manual to the pavilion in the idyllic park, in Venice

on organising, on being a group:

- Affinity Groups : https://www.sproutdistro.com/catalog/zines/organizing/affinity-groups-essential/
An affinity group could be a sewing circle or a bicycle maintenance collective; it could come together for the purpose of providing a meal at an occupation or forcing a multinational corporation out of business through a carefully orchestrated program of sabotage. Affinity groups have planted and defended community gardens, built and occupied and burned down buildings, organized neighborhood childcare programs and wildcat strikes; individual affinity groups routinely initiate revolutions in the visual arts and popular music. Your favorite band was an affinity group. An affinity group invented the airplane. Another one maintains this website.

- Breaking with consensus reality:
Our ideal is not a world without conflicts, but a world in which conflicts don’t produce hierarchies and oppression.

- Build those Collectives:
This zine provides an excellent overview on what a collective is, why you should organize one, how you do it, and what you do once the collective is formed. It offers a bunch of helpful ideas on everything from running meetings to communicating with other groups. It also includes several essays exploring different aspects of collectives, their history, and their power.